關(guān)于協(xié)會(huì )About Association
協(xié)會(huì )簡(jiǎn)介
近年來(lái),協(xié)會(huì )圍繞我市全面融入共建“一帶一路”、加快建設內陸開(kāi)放高地戰略,致力于推動(dòng)營(yíng)造法治化國際化便利化營(yíng)商環(huán)境、推動(dòng)構建平等性包容性多元化的企業(yè)文化和建立公共性公益性開(kāi)放型的政府企業(yè)雙向服務(wù)平臺。推動(dòng)制度化舉辦市領(lǐng)導座談會(huì ),暢通政企溝通渠道;開(kāi)創(chuàng )性地開(kāi)展營(yíng)商環(huán)境評價(jià)調研,為改善外商投資環(huán)境建言獻策;收集、統計重點(diǎn)外商經(jīng)營(yíng)信息數據,為主管部門(mén)“放管服”提供基礎信息和依據;幫助外企在渝投資落戶(hù)、發(fā)展壯大,處理外商投訴,維護企業(yè)合法權益;積極參與開(kāi)放工作,服務(wù)智博會(huì )、西洽會(huì )、進(jìn)博會(huì ),協(xié)助開(kāi)發(fā)區招商引資;廣泛聯(lián)絡(luò )成渝地區外國使領(lǐng)館和商會(huì ),利用公眾號等自媒體宣傳營(yíng)銷(xiāo)城市;旗幟鮮明地倡導在渝外企共擔城市經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展大任、履行社會(huì )責任,推動(dòng)外企在捐資助學(xué)、綠色環(huán)保、扶貧賑災等公益事業(yè)方面一次次走在社會(huì )前列,提升了外商投資企業(yè)的社會(huì )形象和美譽(yù)度。
協(xié)會(huì )已成為在渝外商投資企業(yè)真正的“娘家”,企業(yè)與政府的“橋梁”,會(huì )員單位交流的“俱樂(lè )部”,企業(yè)共同發(fā)展的“平臺”以及為企業(yè)提供增值服務(wù)的“窗口”。迄今,協(xié)會(huì )已擁有了730余家會(huì )員單位,聯(lián)系外企2000余家,跨國巨頭、行業(yè)翹楚、職業(yè)精英在協(xié)會(huì )群英薈萃、群賢畢至。
Founded in 1988, Chongqing Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CQAEFI) is a non-profit social organization affiliated to the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce with voluntary access to foreign investors (including investors of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). With the care and support from CPC Chongqing Committee and Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, under the guidance of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce and relevant municipal departments, CQAEFI has upheld the service philosophy of "gathering members, serving enterprises, contacting government, and giving back to society". For more than three decades, by fulfilling its role as the bridge between the government and foreign enterprises, CQAEFI has promoted the healthy development of foreign-invested enterprises in Chongqing and contributions to the city's social and economic progress. Our efforts have been well recognized by foreign-invested enterprises in Chongqing as well as the society. With an extensive influence both home and abroad, CQAEFI is rated as a 5A-level social organization.
In recent years, given Chongqing’s full engagement in “Belt and Road Initiative” and the efforts to be pioneer of inland opening-up, CQAEFI has committed to promoting a law-based, internationalized and convenient business environment, fostering an equal, inclusive and diversified corporate culture vibe and providing a two-way service platform for both government and enterprises. Great efforts have been made to hold dialogue between government officials and foreign enterprises with the aim to facilitate communication channels; carry out creative business environment assessment surveys so as to contribute to business environment improvement; collect key information and statistics of foreign-invested enterprises serving as data base to authorities in administration streamlining, power delegation and service enhancement ; help foreign-invested enterprises settle and flourish in Chongqing by handling their complaints and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests; engage actively in Chongqing’s opening up, including serving for the Smart China Expo, the Western China International Fair on Investment and Trade and development zones in attracting investment; contact Foreign embassies, consulates, and chambers of commerce in Chongqing and Chengdu and promote publicity of Chongqing through we-media including official account in We-chat; advocate foreign-invested enterprises to assume corporate responsibility in Chongqing by organizing donations for education, environmental protection, and poverty alleviation, thus the reputation of foreign-invested enterprises seeing a constant rising. CQAEFI has become "home" for foreign-invested enterprises in Chongqing, a "bridge" connecting the government and enterprises, a "club" among member companies, a "platform" for common development, and a "window" for providing value-added services to enterprises. So far, the Association has more than 730 members and reached out to more than 2,000 foreign companies. Multinational giants, industry leaders, and professional elites have gathered in CQAEFI to pool wisdom and strength.